心房颤动侦测 (AFIB)


迈克大夫的 AFIB 心房颤动侦测专利技术可以在血压测量过程中侦测心房颤动,当屏幕显示心房颤动图标,提醒您尽早寻求专业意见。

pad and watchbp pad



迈克大夫的 AFIB 心房颤动侦测专利技术能有效筛检出最危

险致命的心律不整 - 心房颤动,排除其他因生理与人为因素


过程中自动侦测心房颤动,使用者在 MAM 三次平均模式下





灵敏度 98%

学术研究累计超过 10000 名样本,

特異性 92%

能同时侦测心房颤动,可作为 AF 初筛的可靠工具。


获英国国家健康与照顾卓越研究院 NICE 官方正式推荐 :

  • 专业人士推荐 :No.1 的心房颤动侦测技术!
  • Microlife 迈克大夫的心房颤动侦测技术,已通过专业实验证明了准确度,有助于筛检出新的 AFIB 个案。
  • 建议使用于可能罹患高血压的高危险群&高血压族群的血压管理。


  Patients (n) Setting Average
age (y)
n (%)
n (%)
Sinus (n) Sensitivity
Wiesel 2004 450 Hospital 69 53(12) 1 396 100 92
Stergiou 2009 73 Hospital 71 27(37) 23 23 100 89
Wiesel 2004 405 Hospital 73 93(23) 64 248 97 89
Wiesel 2004 405 Hospital 73 93(23) 64 248 97 89
Wiesel 2004 405 Hospital 73 93(23) 64 248 97 89
Wiesel 2004 405 Hospital 73 93(23) 64 248 97 89
Wiesel 2004 405 Hospital 73 93(23) 64 248 97 89

2013 Oxford Trail 牛津专业试验

著名的英国牛津大学在2013年,针对1,000名家医科患者进行了一项随机专业试验 ,研究结果表明:

Microlife 迈克大夫的 AFIB 对于心房颤动的初步筛检来说是最好的选择,量血压同时量测,操作简单不需专业解释,准确度可媲美诊间使用的单导 ECG,所以在基础健康管理与居家使用上,Microlife 迈克大夫AFIB 比 ECG 更适合做为房颤的筛检工具。


– Dr. George S. Stergiou


Nichols M TN, Luengo-Fernandez R, Leal J, Gray A, Scarborough P, Rayner M European Cardiovascular Disease Statistics 2012. European Heart Network, Brussels, European Society of Cardiology, Sophia Antipolis 2012.

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Verberk WJ, Omboni S, Kollias A, Stergiou GS: Screening for atrial fibrillation with automated blood pressure measurement: Research evidence and practice recommendations. Int J Cardiol 2016; 203:465-473.

Wiesel J, Fitzig L, Herschman Y, Messineo FC: Detection of atrial fibrillation using a modified microlife blood pressure monitor. Am J Hypertens 2009; 22:848-852.

Stergiou GS, Karpettas N, Protogerou A, Nasothimiou EG, Kyriakidis M: Diagnostic accuracy of a home blood pressure monitor to detect atrial fibrillation. J Hum Hypertens 2009; 23:654-658.

Wiesel J, Fitzig L, Herschman Y, Messineo FC: Detection of atrial fibrillation using a modified microlife blood pressure monitor. Am J Hypertens 2009; 22:848-852.

Wiesel J, Abraham S, Messineo FC: Screening for asymptomatic atrial fibrillation while monitoring the blood pressure at home: trial of regular versus irregular pulse for prevention of stroke (TRIPPS 2.0). Am J Cardiol 2013; 111:1598-1601.

Kearley K, Selwood M, Van den Bruel A, Thompson M, Mant D, Hobbs FR et al.: Triage tests for identifying atrial fibrillation in primary care: a diagnostic accuracy study comparing single-lead ECG and modified BP monitors. BMJ Open 2014; 4:e004565.

Wiesel J, Arbesfeld B, Schechter D: Comparison of the Microlife blood pressure monitor with the Omron blood pressure monitor for detecting atrial fibrillation. Am J Cardiol 2014; 114:1046-1048.

Gandolfo C, Balestrino M, Bruno C, Finocchi C, Reale N: Validation of a simple method for atrial fibrillation screening in patients with stroke. Neurol Sci 2015; 36:1675-1678.

Chan PH, Wong CK, Pun L, Wong YF, Wong MM, Chu DW et al.: Head-to-Head Comparison of the AliveCor Heart Monitor and Microlife WatchBP Office AFIB for Atrial Fibrillation Screening in a Primary Care Setting. Circulation 2017; 135:110-112.

Chan PH, Wong CK, Pun L, Wong YF, Wong MM, Chu DW et al.: Diagnostic performance of an automatic blood pressure measurement device, Microlife WatchBP Home A, for atrial fibrillation screening in a real-world primary care setting. BMJ Open 2017; 7:e013685.

Alpert BS, Quinn D, Gallick D: Oscillometric blood pressure: a review for clinicians. J Am Soc Hypertens 2014; 8:930-938.

NICE: WatchBP Home A for opportunistically detecting atrial fibrillation during diagnosis and monitoring of hypertension http://guidance.nice.org.uk/MTG13. 2013; Assessed 18 Aug. 2015.

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